The Parallella GitHub is comprised of 28 repositories with content ranging from multithread processing examples to Parallella specific FPGA Development.
Parallella GitHub
An extensive open-source GitHub repository can be found at this link. This repository contains the following five primary repositories: Parallella-hw, Parallella-examples, Parallel Architecture Library (PAL), ParaBuntu, and Parallella-Linux.
Parallella-hw is a compilation of public files for Parallella board design using KiCad and VHDL
Parallella-examples is a community created Parallella compendium of projects that include, but not limited to, the following:
Simple webserver
Epiphany multicore simulator model
Machin-like approximations
Pseudo Eternity II Solver with 10x10 subproblem using 16-cores
Running a simple "Hello World" application using Epiphany BSP, OpenMP, MPI, and/or OpenCL
Examples treating Epiphany as a device capable of executing kernels containing OpenMP code
Counting Prime Numbers
Parallella SPI Bit Bang Library Examples
I2C DAC Signal Generator
Blobubska - A Realtime Raytracing Visual Music Generator
PAL is a compact, optimized C library for math, synchronization, and inter-processor communication
Follow this link to access the Parallella Ubuntu Image Creation page.
The application of this repository requires a Linux machine and blank SD card.
Last updated