Plan of Study and AEC

Guides to help fill out a Plan of Study (POS) and form a thesis committee

Plan of Study (POS)

Beginning in Spring 2022, all MAE grad students must file a preliminary POS with the department during the first semester of their program. The department has templates available here.

Advising and Examining Committee (AEC)

For a PhD, an AEC must consist of at least 5 members (typically not more than 6). Dr. S will be the Committee Chair as your research advisor. From there, the department has the following requirements for the remaining 4-5 AEC members:

  • At least one of the five members of the committee must be from outside the degree-granting department.

  • The majority of the members of the AEC must be regular members of the graduate faculty

  • A minimum of four members for Ph.D. committees must be members of the College Graduate Faculty

    • A full PDF of the members is on the Graduate Forms Page

    • This requirement includes both regular and associate appointments

  • At least 3 members should be from MAE Department

    • This includes adjunct appointments

Common Lab Committee Members

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor - Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

  • Assistant Professor - Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute

  • Associate Professor - Department of Neuroscience, Department of Human Performance - Exercise Physiology

Research Interests: human neuromechanics

  • Adjunct Assistant Professor - Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

    • Assistant graduate faculty in CBE (as of 2022)

  • Assistant Professor - Rockefeller Neuroscience Institute

  • Associate Professor - Department of Neuroscience, Department of Human Performance - Physical Therapy

  • Associate Professor - Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

  • Adjunct Associate Professor - Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

  • Assistant Professor - Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Last updated